Monday, June 7, 2010

The End of Year is Finally Here!

First and foremost, 
I would like to apologize 
that I have not been able to posted anything for awhile. 
It is a crazy time of the year in our house. 
June brings so many memorable moments 
but also a lot of running around… 
errands, classroom parties, homework, school projects,
teacher appreciation gifts, vacation plans, weddings, birthday parties, 
I can go on and on…
So I thought as we bring this school year to a close 
I would leave you with some resources 
that hopefully you might find helpful.
For June:

Teacher Poems for Appreciation Gifts

Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas

 Last Day of School Ideas

Father’s Day Ideas


Visit Your Local Library for FUN Summer Reading Programs!

Fourth of July Ideas

 Stay-cation Ideas

 Save With Coupons
Making Meals Matter

Organize Grocery Lists

 Projects to Keep You Busy

Birthday Party Ideas

We wish you a wonderful summer filled with warm memories :)

Be safe! Enjoy the moments!

See you in September!


Doreen Peterson

Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy (Belated) Mother's Day!

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! 
With all the hard work and dedication you have put forth, 
we hope you had a day filled with rest and rejuvenation!
Click here for a heartwarming video is from a First Grade Class. 
It is adorable!If you are planning ahead for June:
Visit Tipjunkie {CLICK HERE} for  DIY Father's Day gifts! 


Friday, April 30, 2010

Virtual Career Day: Firefighter

Virtual Career Day

1. At what age did you discover that this is the career path for you?
I always knew I wanted to be a fireman, but I really began to pursue this career when I was 18 years old.

2. What are the typical work hours?
A typical work schedule averages out to be a 56-hr work week. Each shift begins at 7:30am and lasts for 24 hours. My normal shift schedule accounts for 10 days each month.

3. Did your job require any formal training?
Yes, there is extensive training that occurs 4 months prior to getting hired. Then, the first year after being hired is considered training and each new employee is classified as a probationary employee until he/she is able to demonstrate the ability to perform the duties.

4. What is a typical day like with your occupation?
There is not a typical day at the fire house. We never know what the day will bring when we get there. We feel honored and proud to do what we do.

5. Was there an event in your life, or person that made a significant contribution for your career path?
My dad is a Firefighter. I grew up watching him and admiring what he did for a living and new that I wanted to someday do the same.

6. What was the highlight of your career?
I’m still very new, so the highlight thus far would have to be the fact that I’ve been given this opportunity.

7. Do you work mostly alone or with a team of people?
Everything we do is with a partner or a team. Safety is the number one priority and nobody does anything alone.

8. If you have any advice for the students to pursue a goal similar to yours, what would you recommend for them to do?
Never give up….. and it’s never too late. It took me many, many years to finally realize my dream and it, so far, has been worth everything I’ve sacrificed along the way to this career.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Virtual Career Day- Public Relations

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" is a common question we ask young kids? A typical response might be, "A teacher", "A doctor", or "A Lawyer".... But there are a gazillion of other jobs out there! That is why Career Day is such an important experience for kids. Career Day provides an oppprtunity for children to think about what they need to do in order to acheive these goals. Recently, I asked a few of my friends about their dream jobs. Each of them have worked hard ito achieve their goals. Please use this information so that you can strike up conversations with your child about what how to acheive their career goals. Remember.. ANYONE CAN ACHEIVE with determination and guidance. Let's show our kids that anything is possible and that they have to ability to do it! We want our kids to be successful and prosperous in their career. But most importantly we want them to be happy doing what they love.

For our first Virtual Career Day, we will learn about my friend who runs her own, very successful Public Relations Firm. Enjoy!
Virtual Career Day- Public Relations

1. At what age did you discover that this is the career path for you?

By high school I knew I wanted to be engaged in communications & media in some capacity.

2. What are the typical work hours?

Yikes! ;p 14-16 hours a day. Often work on weekends, too, with events

3. Did your job require any formal training?

Not necessarily formal training, although you often can’t crack into this field without at least your BA in communications, journalism. Definitely not without an undergrad degree.

4. What is a typical day like with your occupation?

Depends on your emphasis (specialty). Since mine is lifestyle, I could be managing clients that might range from restaurants and hotels to skateboarders and celebrities. I have responsibilities from running the agency and managing staff to developing and executing strategic communications campaigns, conceptualizing and implementing events developing collateral (press kits, web sites, lots of writing). It really depends on what client I’m working on.

5. Was there an event in your life, or person that made a significant contribution for your career path?

Dr. Donna Friess- a communications professor in college- had a huge impact on me to really push myself. She encouraged me to exceed expectations, aim for my own company, pursue my grad degree, etc.

6. What was the highlight of your career?

Having my son with me at events I’ve worked really hard to produce. He’s walked red carpets, met celebrities, traveled with me ... and always puts a smile on my face no matter how stressful work gets!

7. Do you work mostly alone or with a team of people?

A team of really talented people.

8. What are the most challenging aspects of your career?

It’s very high pressure, very high stakes and while a lot of people think it seems glamorous on the outside, it’s an incredible amount of work to manage a business, manage client expectations, earn publicity, make sure brands are positioned in a way that benefits their businesses, etc. Oh, and the 14-16 hour days ;)

9. If you have any advice for the students to pursue a goal similar to yours, what would you recommend for them to do?

Pursue a degree in PR and get lots of experience before you get your degree. With so many students earning degrees you need to do whatever you can to stand out from the pack. Take internships, volunteer, look for entry level positions where you can learn and grow into a position once you’ve obtained your degree.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: Graphic Organizers

Have you ever had that moment when someone provides TOO much detail about a topic and you think, “Hmmm… what do I do with all this information?” Processing an abundant amount of information can be a challenge. Imagine how students have to do this every day? That is why many teachers incorporate Graphic Organizers in the lessons. Graphic Organizers provide the learner an opportunity to understand the material. The following video explains how the brain is able to process information.

Here is an example of how concept maps are applied in instructon.

For more websites on Graphic Organizers check out these sites:
Enjoy… Happy Organizing!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: GCF

Have you ever had that moment
when your child brings home an assignment
on Greatest Common Factors and you think,
"Oh my... I don't know how to do this!"
Well you are in luck! I have the perfect explanation that
can help you. It is a video clip from
and it is a great tutorial on how to find the GCF between two numbers.
I hope this site can help you with other homework assignments as well. :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: Content Standards

Content standards were designed to encourage the highest achievement of every student,
by defining the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire at each grade level.
Do you know what the standards are for your child's grade level?
If not, I suggest you take a look. Click on the following links
to look up the Content Standards by Subject:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

On March 4, 2010 we MUST Stand Up For Schools

Please contact your legislators and tell them to stop punishing education.

Sen. Ronald Calderon
5066 State Capitol
California, 95814
Fax: (916) 327-8755

Asm. Charles Calderon
2117 State Capital
California 92429-0058
Fax: (916)319-2158

Asm. Tony Mendoza
2188 State Capitol
California, 92429-0056
(916) 319-2056
Fax: (916)319-2156

Some things to consider when writing your letter...

For the last few years, the EWCSD
had to spend $5 million MORE
than its income in order to operate vital programs.
  • AB851, recently signed by the Governeor may cost EWCSD $1.7 million
  • Governor's proposed budget will cut an additional $1.8 million
  • This potential $3.5 million deficit will most certainly result in the loss of teachers and other employess important to the healthy functioning of our school system.
  • Students will lose instructional days.
  • Teachers and other school employees will lose jobs or income.
Please contact your legislature and
 inform them of how budget cuts
will affect the students in East Whittier City School District.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Earthquake Preparedness: Are YOU ready if the big one hits?

Recently Chile was hit with a devastating earthquake that spared the lives of hundreds and impacted millions. The 8.8 earthquake that rattled Chile for three minutes could be felt as far north as Peru. The earthquake also caused seiches to occur in Lake Pontchartrain to the north of New Orleans, United States. The Chilean earthquake and Haiti's catastrophic earthquake made me wonder if the "Big One" hit our area, would our family be prepared? Sure, I stocked up on can goods, water, etc. I even placed our emergency supplies in a safe and secure location. However, when I went through the items, I noticed that I forgot to put one {slightly} important thing in there... a CAN OPENER!!! Yikes! Imagine a month's supply of food and no can opener! So, I thought it might be best that I share with you some special tips and checklists that might help your family be prepared.

Please click on the following links:)
The following are some great links for you and your kids to look over:
Hope this information will keep you and your family safe :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: "Read Across America Day"

Soon, schools across the country will celebrate the
National Education Association's "Read Across America Day".
It is considered to be the one of the nation's largest reading events
that occurs annually near Dr. Seuss's birthday (author of the Cat In the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham).
For more on "Read Across America" please visit Seussentenial {Click Here}.

Recently, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to sit with fifth graders
and discuss reading strategies. In our conversation,
I was impressed to hear how the students truly wanted to become better readers.
When I asked them if they could improve 1 thing to enhance their reading,
most said that they want to improve their vocabulary.
The students informed me that they felt frustrated when they come across
words that they do not know how to pronounce or have never heard of.
They informed me that when they came across a word they are not familiar with,
 it is easier to quit reading rather than grab a dictionary to look up the word.
During our discussion, most of the students said that if they had a better vocabulary,
they would enjoy reading more. I appreciate the children's honesty and how
much they wanted to become better readers.
So this blog post is especially for them and for ANY student
who would like to improve their vocabulary.

I hope the following links help:

 Happy Reading!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: Simplifying Fractions

 I have been looking for some great videos that I think
might be intriguing for your child to master math skills.
Then I stumbled upon an interesting rap video and a
a great tutorial. I hope this will help your child master the ability to simplify fractions. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mark Your Calendar: Kids Fair at The Brea Community Center February 25, 2010

Need some mommy time with other mommies?

Why not check out the kids Fair in Brea on February 25th, 2010 from 10am-1pm
It is the perfect time to meet up with your gal pals before for coffee at Panera, Corner Bakery or Starbucks and head over to the Kids' Fair. Afterwards, grab a lunch, and make it back in time to pick up the kids :)

It's a FREE family event. There are family friendly businesses, free prize raffles, balloon animals, goody bags, bounce house and activities. There are quite a few venders, such as My Gym, Gymboree, Martial Arts, Creative Memories, baby and women's clothing, local pre-schools, The Melting Pot, Stroller Strides, Healthy Family stuff...and so on, just to name a few.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, February 12, 2010

3 Day Weekend and So Many Great Things to Do!

What to do.. what to do... for a 3 day weekend?

3 day weekends are fun!
But if you aren't planning a big vacation for this weekend...
how about a stay-cation?
This weekend there are so many great things to celebrate...
The Winter Olympics, Valentine's Day, and President's Day.
With that in mind,
might be a great place to visit as well as a quick visit to
you can visit a replica of the Independence Hall without having to travel to Philadelphia!
Plus the town center in Knott's has opened a Pink's Hot Dog (I hear they are worth staying in line for).
If you are anticipating the Winter Olympics (which begins February 12),

But if you were looking for something else to do...
Visit these the following links:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: 100th day of School!

February 17th will be the 100th day of school!
Isn't it amazing to think of how much your child has cognitively grown!
Cheers to you for providing your child so much support!
Here are some ways to celebrate the 100th day!

(to the tune of "The Brady Bunch)
Here's the story of a class,
That has been in school for 100 days.
We've been working, very hard.
We've learned in many ways.
On this very, special day,
The whole school joins to help us celebrate.
We've been learning, for 100 days,
And they've been really great!
One hundred days, one hundred days,
We have been in school for one hundred days!

Happy 100th Day!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: Nutrition...You Are What You Eat

Healthy Food= Brain Fuel!

Recently, my husband and I watched the movie Food Inc.
and it got us thinking, "What on earth are we feeding our children?"
There is so much talk about
organic food, trans- fatty acids, preservatives,
that I thought it was about time my husband and I became
proactive about what our kids eat.
I may not be able to control how the world can eat,
but I sure can control what I buy at the stores.

Then, I recently discovered that
East Whittier City School District implemented a wonderful site
called Health e-Living!Please visit it!
There are several links about nutrition, exercise,
and healthy living that I think you should definitely check out!

If you are also looking for other ways to cook up a healthy meal visit:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: Word Families

Do you know what ail, pail, mail, and fail have in common?
Yup, you guessed it!
They are a part of word families!
Word Families are words that share the same pattern of letters.
For example: main, pain, stain, and gain share "-ain."
When a child is able to identify the "-ain" chunk or other word family chunks,
then the child is more likely able to identify similar words.
This will eventually allow the child to read better and become fluent with his/ her reading.
If you feel that your child could use some help with reading,
consider this approach during your reading time with your child.
An approach that I have used with my children is before we read a story,
we will review the text and identify 1 or 2 word families in our story.

Here are some links that I hope you find valuable:

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nominate Your Favorite Teacher

Do you want to nominate a teacher for Family Magazine's Teacher of the Month?

Just send their name, preferred contact information,
and a brief description of why you think they should be considered to:

Let that teacher know how much you care!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Are you looking for something fun to do this weekend?

hosts a phenomenal program for children called,

My family and I have attended a few performances
and were highly impressed with what the program has to offer!

This weekend they are featuring a 3-time Grammy award winner, Tom Chapin!
The children’s concert is
January 24, 2010 at 1:30 and 3:30.
Tickets are $12  for Adults and $8 for children.
They can be purchased online, phone or in person.
For more information,
 please check out

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: Homework and Motivation

This "Thursday's Teaching Word" is ...HOMEWORK
Have you ever had that moment when it's time for your child to complete their
homework and it becomes a huuuuuuuuuge ordeal?
In our home, we do homework at the same time
so it should not be a surprise that it's homework time.
However, there are times,
that it seems like a big battle..
Then, I begin to wonder...
"Do they do this at school?" or...
"If only my child had the initiative to
complete their homework...
on their own."
If you are experiencing the same thing,
the answer may be ... {drumroll please}
Motivating your child can be as simple as using
motivational words such as:

Out of this world

But if that isn't working for you, there are other means of motivational tools you could use.
I have come across a few links
that you may find valuable...

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