Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: Nutrition...You Are What You Eat

Healthy Food= Brain Fuel!

Recently, my husband and I watched the movie Food Inc.
and it got us thinking, "What on earth are we feeding our children?"
There is so much talk about
organic food, trans- fatty acids, preservatives,
that I thought it was about time my husband and I became
proactive about what our kids eat.
I may not be able to control how the world can eat,
but I sure can control what I buy at the stores.

Then, I recently discovered that
East Whittier City School District implemented a wonderful site
called Health e-Living!Please visit it!
There are several links about nutrition, exercise,
and healthy living that I think you should definitely check out!

If you are also looking for other ways to cook up a healthy meal visit:

1 comment:

  1. To our Blog Master,

    What a beautiful blog. Thanks for caring enough to do this for our school. As a member of the "old dog's club", I am here to say I have learned "New Tricks" to practice with my little guys.

    Thanks, Margie


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