Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Earthquake Preparedness: Are YOU ready if the big one hits?

Recently Chile was hit with a devastating earthquake that spared the lives of hundreds and impacted millions. The 8.8 earthquake that rattled Chile for three minutes could be felt as far north as Peru. The earthquake also caused seiches to occur in Lake Pontchartrain to the north of New Orleans, United States. The Chilean earthquake and Haiti's catastrophic earthquake made me wonder if the "Big One" hit our area, would our family be prepared? Sure, I stocked up on can goods, water, etc. I even placed our emergency supplies in a safe and secure location. However, when I went through the items, I noticed that I forgot to put one {slightly} important thing in there... a CAN OPENER!!! Yikes! Imagine a month's supply of food and no can opener! So, I thought it might be best that I share with you some special tips and checklists that might help your family be prepared.

Please click on the following links:)
The following are some great links for you and your kids to look over:
Hope this information will keep you and your family safe :)

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