Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: Word Families

Do you know what ail, pail, mail, and fail have in common?
Yup, you guessed it!
They are a part of word families!
Word Families are words that share the same pattern of letters.
For example: main, pain, stain, and gain share "-ain."
When a child is able to identify the "-ain" chunk or other word family chunks,
then the child is more likely able to identify similar words.
This will eventually allow the child to read better and become fluent with his/ her reading.
If you feel that your child could use some help with reading,
consider this approach during your reading time with your child.
An approach that I have used with my children is before we read a story,
we will review the text and identify 1 or 2 word families in our story.

Here are some links that I hope you find valuable:

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nominate Your Favorite Teacher

Do you want to nominate a teacher for Family Magazine's Teacher of the Month?

Just send their name, preferred contact information,
and a brief description of why you think they should be considered to:

Let that teacher know how much you care!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Are you looking for something fun to do this weekend?

hosts a phenomenal program for children called,

My family and I have attended a few performances
and were highly impressed with what the program has to offer!

This weekend they are featuring a 3-time Grammy award winner, Tom Chapin!
The children’s concert is
January 24, 2010 at 1:30 and 3:30.
Tickets are $12  for Adults and $8 for children.
They can be purchased online, phone or in person.
For more information,
 please check out

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: Homework and Motivation

This "Thursday's Teaching Word" is ...HOMEWORK
Have you ever had that moment when it's time for your child to complete their
homework and it becomes a huuuuuuuuuge ordeal?
In our home, we do homework at the same time
so it should not be a surprise that it's homework time.
However, there are times,
that it seems like a big battle..
Then, I begin to wonder...
"Do they do this at school?" or...
"If only my child had the initiative to
complete their homework...
on their own."
If you are experiencing the same thing,
the answer may be ... {drumroll please}
Motivating your child can be as simple as using
motivational words such as:

Out of this world

But if that isn't working for you, there are other means of motivational tools you could use.
I have come across a few links
that you may find valuable...


Friday, January 15, 2010

MLK Weekend

Our first 3 day weekend of 2010 is here! But most importantly it is a day to celebrate one of our nation's historical figure, Martin Luther King, Jr. Use this weekend as an opportunity to teach your child about MLK's role in the Civil Rights momement. Here are a few fascinating links:

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Chat soon!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday's Teaching Word: Print Awareness

{Click Here} to see a video clip of how parents can raise print awareness
Print Awareness can occur as early as 18 months of age.
Children will imitate or pretend to read. The book may be upside down, they may turn the pages the "wrong way", and they may use a "reading voice" while pretending. Gradually, the children will hold the book properly, turn the pages one at a time, and even run their fingers along the print as though they were reading it.
Parents and caregivers can help develop print awareness by:
•Run a finger under the words as they are read

•Call attention to signs and print on the road, at the store, in restaurants

•Write messages to your children to show that print is useful and carries meaning
•The symbols on a page are called letters; when all together, they are called words; and words have meaning

•The series of words on the front of a book is the title and, likely, the name of the author and illustrator

•A book has a front and a back, a top and a bottom

•Show how we turn the pages of the book from right to left, but we read the words from left to right.

•We start at the top of the page (or paragraph) when reading

•We read the words in a book (rather than "reading" the pictures)

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stay tuned for Thursday's Teaching Word!

Yeah! Have you ever had that awkward moment in a Parent- Teacher conference and the teacher mentions things like: metacognition, cognitive, proficient, and, CVC words and you had no clue what (s)he meant? Well, you are in luck! Tomorrow, will be the first of weekly posts featuring words that are commonly used in education. Stay tuned!

Monday, January 4, 2010

How to Decide Whether Your Child Should Stay Home from School -

Photo courtesy of Winter time= cold/ flu season... Of course.. load up on Purell and Kleenex But how do you know, when they are too sick for school? Please visit for some tips to determine How to Decide Whether Your Child Should Stay Home from School - Chat soon!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kids Eat Free

Did someone say..."free?"
Yes, sir-eee..
Kids can eat free
Check Out KidsEatFor to find a deal near you.
(Click Here)
Best part is "there's an app for that".
If you have an iPhone or iPod,
Chat soon!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year.. New You

Happy New Year! What's your goal this year? Let's begin with organizing! Here are a few links that might help. Click on the following: Hope that helps! Chat soon!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to Orchard Dales's Family {Blog}

{In a Sarcastic Voice}
I was a PERFECT parent..
I had all the answers to everything...
until I had kids...
I soon realized
(after my precious-bundle-of- joys were born)
and most importantly...
"Perfect Parents" do not exist.
I also realized that,
"It Takes A Village To Raise A Child." need to know
that you are NOT alone.
You are surrounded
by a community
that is here to support you.

Hence, this website :)
The school site council (SSC)
at Orchard Dale Elementary
has created this website as a
resource for you and your family.
It is our goal to keep you posted with
information so that you are connected.
We hope you'll enjoy!
Chat soon!
With Gratitude,
Doreen Peterson
School Site Council
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