Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to Orchard Dales's Family {Blog}

{In a Sarcastic Voice}
I was a PERFECT parent..
I had all the answers to everything...
until I had kids...
I soon realized
(after my precious-bundle-of- joys were born)
and most importantly...
"Perfect Parents" do not exist.
I also realized that,
"It Takes A Village To Raise A Child." need to know
that you are NOT alone.
You are surrounded
by a community
that is here to support you.

Hence, this website :)
The school site council (SSC)
at Orchard Dale Elementary
has created this website as a
resource for you and your family.
It is our goal to keep you posted with
information so that you are connected.
We hope you'll enjoy!
Chat soon!
With Gratitude,
Doreen Peterson
School Site Council

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